
A group of volunteers, with the same spirit for change, have come forward and collaborated with our NGO. If you want to be a part of our mission, you could join us on social media and actively participate in one of our projects and interact with us at contact page 

Stray Animal Care

Our country is built on cultural values that mainly focuses on living in balance and harmony with all the creations of the God Almighty. But due to the adoption of modern lifestyle, we’ve neglected taking care of the animals, who carry a similar emotion like we do! We use them and then abandon them on the roads. 

Cow is considered very sacred in India and respected equivalent to a mother, but as soon as the cow grows old and can’t produce milk, it is left on the streets and then it starts struggling to feed itself and thereby chew plastic from the garbage. On a beautiful day, I came across a cow that was hit by a vehicle and it lay there on the street, bleeding and one person had the audacity to even look at it or give it some water and unfortunately it passed away in pain and agony. That stirred me up from within and it was time to do something about it. 

And the more you start helping these animals, you realize this is how it is more or less with other animals too! We also come across a lot of street dogs, who’re actually very friendly and it turns out they were once pets but when they grow old and start having health problems, they are left on the streets to avoid medical expenses! 

How do we help the street animals?

Women Empowerment & Awareness

In this era of faster lifestyle and luxurious needless wants, we are trying to restore the balance of all humans, by empowering and reviving the skills of women from the remote villages, thereby improving the overall quality of life of the whole family. Like the African proverb says "If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation" and we strongly believe in that ideology.

Even today, in most rural parts of our country, there exist women, who sacrifice their comfort, dreams, career, their own family after marriage but never get the respect they deserve and they’re put through physical, psychological and emotional abuse despite giving all they have! But there’s more to these women than what they are made to believe and we want to bring that change in their self esteem and make them more independent by working on development of their skills! It is our moral responsibility to do so! 

How do we help these women?